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Thank you for visiting Rizzieri Online Booking. For color or any other service you don’t see listed, please call us and a Guest Relations team member will be happy to assist you. You must be 18 years or older to receive a massage service.
Thank you for visiting Rizzieri Online Booking. For color or any other service you don’t see listed, please call us and a Guest Relations team member will be happy to assist you. You must be 18 years or older to receive a massage service.
Thanks for visiting A Medical Spa online. For any service not listed online (ie. Laser, Sculptra, Perm. Cosmetics) or any questions, please give us a call at 856-985-8500. Additionally, service times listed may vary; intended only as an approximate guideline. On behalf of Dr. Donna Wilcox (Owner/Operator) and Support Personnel we look forward to your visit.